Showing posts with label Arachnids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Arachnids. Show all posts

Monday, September 30, 2013

Draw a Design from A Spider's Web

Start your web design by randomly selecting a point, 
on a sheet of black construction paper, somewhere in 
the center of your paper.  Then draw, with the help of
 a ruler, lines from that central point out to the edges
 of the paper. Your design should look something like 
a giant sliced pie.
Then take either a bottle of white school glue or black puff 
paint bottle, and squeeze out a thin line of liquid tracing the 
drawing thus far. Then, very carefully, squeeze out the 
intersecting spiral lines of the spider's web pattern leaving 
large spaces approximately 1/2 inch to 1 or 2 inches apart.
Next, you will need to fill in these spaces of your web design 
with chalk pastels. After completing the design, Teachers may 
spray fix the pastels with either a special fixative purchased 
for the preservation of chalk pastel drawings or with 
a inexpensive hair spray.
A close up view of my spider's web design. This art project 
is an exercise in calculation, glue application, and a 
introduction to chalk pastels. I recommend it for 2nd 
through 4th grade students.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Craft a Ruote Pasta Web

      These little Ruote, more commonly known as wagon wheel pasta in America, make interesting design elements in a spider web craft for early learners.
      First, teachers will need to dye these Ruote pasta black:
  • Add the dryed Route pasta to a large zip-lock plastic bag. (1lb. per large freezer bag at a time)
  • Include a few teaspoons of rubbing alcohol and a few drops of black food coloring inside the bag with the dryed pasta.
  • Close the bag tight and shake. 
  • Pour this pasta out onto a napkin or paper towel to let it dry either in the sunshine or overnight in a warm place. 
 Left, a view of the Ruote pasta spider web from the side.  Right, a view of the pasta spider web from above.
      Once you have prepared the dried pasta for your young students, you will need to gather the following supplies:
  • black construction paper
  • white school glue
  • dyed black Ruote pasta
  • white tempera or acrylic paint
  • newsprint to cover the table with
  • Q-tips and cast off plastic lids for the gluing process
Step-by-step Instructions:
  1. First, have the young students play at arranging the pasta on the table top before actually gluing it down to the paper. Talk to them about the shape, texture and color of the pasta while they experiment with arranging it.
  2. Give each student a handful of pasta, a black piece of construction paper, a plastic lid full of liquid white school glue and a Q-tip for dipping into the glue.
  3. Demonstrate to them, at their table, how to dip the Q-tip into the glue and then glop it onto the construction paper. This process of applying glue to the paper will help little people add enough glue for the pasta to stick to the paper but not so much glue that they cannot control it's application all together.
  4. Now the pasta may be layered on top of the glue and arranged in a web like pattern. 
  5. These 'spider webs' will need to dry overnight in the classroom.
  6. On the following day students should each be given another plastic lid filled with non-toxic white paint. 
  7. Show your early learners how to dip their fingers into the white paint and dab it lightly onto the very tops of the Ruote in order to highlight the pasta's design. 
  8. Let the webs dry again. This takes only an hour or less.
More Fall Crafts Using Pasta:

Draw a Shaded White Spider Web

      During the Fall season, I frequently focus student's assignments on those themes that are inspired by the natural world. Drawing spider webs is a great way to include design principles, drawing techniques and science all together in one project. Students will need a few simple supplies for this drawing exercise:
  • a large piece of black construction paper
  • a white led pencil or white conte or white pastel etc... 
      Instruct the students to first draw a large X shape anywhere on their paper and divide the rest of the drawing into pie shaped pieces using their white lead pencils. Next they will need to draw a spiral design working their way out from the center of the web to the edges of the paper. Within this spiral they need to further divide the web sections into small rectangular shapes. Then they will need to shade each of these small shapes in order to create a similar web to the one I have shown in the photograph above. Students may also wish to include a large black spider somewhere within their web design as well.
      With this drawing exercise, students will learn how to shade a tiny space gradually, the differences between positive and negative space, and also about repeating patterns. I recommend the exercise for fifth or sixth graders.

Draw More Spider Webs: