Artifacts : Activities, Art, History and Poems About:
Index Posts for Methods of Practice: - Sculpture & Pottery Index - Sculpture the art of imitating living forms in solid substances. The word means, strictly, a cutting, or carving, in some hard material, as stone, marble, ivory or wood; but it is also used to express the molding of soft substances, as clay or wax, and the casting of metals or plaster. Read more...
- Mosaics and Collage Index - The invention of Mosaic may perhaps be attributed to the Romans. They used it to pave their buildings and cover their walls. The Byzantines, however, made popular, Read more...
- Paper Cutting & Silhouettes Index - Paper cutting is the art of cutting paper designs. The art has evolved uniquely all over the world to adopt to different cultural styles. Read more...
- Weaving Index - Weaving, the art of making cloth by means of a loom, from threads or yarn. It is not known when weaving was first practiced, but it is certain that it is one of the earliest of the arts, Read more...
- Drawing Index - Drawing, the art of representing upon a flat surface the forms of objects and their positions and relations to one another. Read more...
- Crayon Methods and Coloring Sheets Index - The primary purpose of working with coloring pages is to aid teachers in “scaffolding.” Scaffolding is a method used to help students successfully learn very complicated processes or concepts. Read more...
- Kindergarten & Preschool Index - Kindergarten, a word meaning child garden, is applied to a special kind of school for small children. Read more...
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- Integrated Nature Studies for 4th - 6th graders - Detailed lesson plans for classroom teachers or home-schooling parents. The integrated nature studies edited from Blackie and Son, thus far include journal writing assignments, arts/crafts, reading and video among other things. Crafts for younger students are included for those teachers who are interested in adapting the lessons for lower grade levels. Read more...
- ark-o-pedia Index - is where I will list all of our animal related poems, descriptions, arts and crafts, clip art eventually...
- Those who are learning English are often referred to as English language learners (ELL).
The learners of the English language are of two main groups. The first
group includes the learners learning English as their second language
i.e. the second language of their country and the second group includes
those who learn English as a totally foreign language i.e. a language
that is not spoken in any part of their country. These stories may be
used for ELL learners worldwide. Visitors may translate our collection
here using the Translating Gadget Powered by Google on the right sidebar of this blog at anytime to read the text in their own language. Search the short story tags...
- The Bird Index - Birds, the only feathered creatures of the animal kingdom. They belong to the back-boned or vertebrate group, are warmblooded, and most of them can fly. Read more...
- The Apple Index - Apple, a fruit that many authorities consider the most valuable of any cultivated by mankind. Read more...
- The Four Seasons Index - The four periods into which the year is divided by the ever-changing position of the earth in relation to the sun. Read more...
- The Alphabet Index - Alphabet, al fa bet, (from Alpha and Beta, the first two letters of the Greek alphabet) Read more...
- Indigenous People's & Native American Index - Indigenous peoples or Natives (formerly Indians) held undisputed possession of the wilds of the Americas before the European invasion of those continents. Read more...
- Crafty Math Index - Mathematics, a general term for a number of branches of learning that deal with magnitudes, numbers and quantities and their relations. Read more...
- Oceans and Seashore Index - The ocean or sea is the vast body of water which covers nearly three-fourths of the surface of the globe. Read more...
- Penmanship Links & Lessons - Charming and fascinating are the graceful and harmonious curves produced, when, wielded by some trained and skillful hand, the pen becomes an instrument of beauty. Read more...
- Children's Poetry & Prose Index - Poetry, one of the two greatest classes of literary production, the other being prose. According to the usual meaning of the term, poetry is rhythmical, imaginative language which appeals to the emotions and the artistic sense. Read more...
- The First Grade Journal Pages - "For as long as I can remember I wanted to be a teacher. Some childhoods are spent playing house or with Tonka trucks; mine was spent subjecting my little sister to playing school (naturally I made her the student). Read more...
- Mini Books: In cognitive psychology, sequence learning is inherent to human ability because it is an integrated part of conscious and nonconscious learning as well as activities. Read more...
- Transportation Index - Transport or transportation is the movement of people, animals and goods from one location to another. Modes of transport include air, rail, road, water, cable, pipeline and space. The field can be divided into infrastructure, vehicles and operations. Read more...
- Buster Brown Comics Index - Buster Brown was a comic strip character created in 1902 by Richard Felton Outcault who was known for his association with the Brown Shoe Company. Read more...
- Book Reviews and Selections - These selections thus far come from my eldest daughter's classroom blog. I will be transferring her content to Thrifty Scissors this year, because she has decided to change her career. Read more...
- Paper Village Index - In this index, young visitors will find all sorts of paper playthings that will keep them preoccupied for hours or perhaps even days. Read more...
- Fairyland Index - Every flower cup may be a fairy's
bedroom; every mushroom is a fairy's dining-table. The
gauzy-winged butterflies are the fairies' airships, and very
often in the woods and fields of a summer's morning may be
seen the rings where their tiny feet have danced all night! Read more...
- Grandparent's Day - (September 10th) National Grandparents Day is a secular holiday celebrated in the United States of America and the United Kingdom since 1978 and officially recognized in a number of countries on various days of the year. Read more...
- Halloween or All Hallow's Eve Index - (October 31rst) Halloween is on the evening of October 31. Though the occasion is usually given over to frolics, mischief and entertainments of an hilarious nature, the name means, literally, Holy Eve. Read more...
- Thanksgiving Holiday Index - (November 23rd) Thanksgiving Day in the United States is an annual festival of thanksgiving for the blessings of the closing year. It is fixed by proclamation of the President and the governors of states, and ranks as a legal holiday. Read more...
- Christmas Holiday Index - Christmas, the most important festival of the Christian Church, observed annually on December 25, in memory of the birth of Christ. The time when the festival was first observed is not known with certainty; but it is spoken of in the beginning of the third century by Clement of Alexandria. Read more...
- New Year's Eve and New Year's Day - tags, so far...
- Saint Valentine's Day Index - (February 14th) A saint of the Roman calendar, said to have been martyred in A.D. 306. The custom of choosing valentines on his day (February 14th) has been accidentally associated with his name. Read more...
- President's Day Index - The Constitution declares that the law-executing department of the government shall be in the hands of a President of the United States, who shall be chosen by electors, and not elected directly by the people; his term of office was fixed at four years; he may legally succeed himself. Read more...
- Martin Luther King Jr. Day - is an American federal holiday marking the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. It is observed on the third Monday of January each year, which is around King's birthday, January 15. Read more...
- Mardi Gras Holiday Index - Mardi Gras, or Shrove Tuesday, in Catholic countries of Europe a celebration on the last day of revelry before the advent of Lent. Read more...
- Easter Holiday Index - (movable feast day) Easter, the festival commemorating the resurrection of Christ, observed in many branches of the Christian Church. Read more...
- Saint Patrick's Day Holiday Index - (March 17th) St. Patrick Day is celebrated in honor of the patron saint of Ireland. It is believed that he was born near the site of what is now Dumbarton, Scotland. Read more...
- May Day Holiday Index - The first of May, or May Day, has been associated with out-of-door festivities from the days of ancient Rome. Read more...
- Mother's Day - Mother's Day is a day set apart in the United States to honor mothers. The second Sunday in May has been thus selected, and the day is generally observed in churches by special sermons. Read more...
- Arbor Day - Arbor Day was a day designed by legislative enactment in many states for the voluntary planting of trees by the people. Read more...
- Independence Day - is the national holiday most dear to the hearts of the American people. It commemorates the adoption of the Declaration of Independence, July 4th, 1776. Read more...
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How happy handy hands can be
And very careful too.
And let us try with all our hearts
To do our honest, earnest parts
In all we have to do"
by John Martin
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