Friday, August 25, 2017

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas.
By M. D. Sterling.

(Seven boys and seven girls with good voices and some sprightliness of manner are required. Each carries a wand, to the upper end of which is fastened an evergreen wreath surrounding a large, gilt letter. Ranged in order the letters will spell the word "Merry Christmas." The verse for each is sung to the air, " Buy a Broom." The children enter only one at a time, using a polka step, boys and girls alternately. While singing they take steps and wave wand in time to music. At third line of each stanza the boys bow and the girls make a courtesy, right and left. The chorus at the end of each verse is sung by the entire school. The boy with letter M comes in first, sings, and takes position on platform. He is followed by the girl with E. So continue until the line of children is complete.)

First boy:
M stands for merry -- oh ' let us be merry ;
M stands for merry -- right merry am I.
(Bowing.) With a bow to the right, sir, and a bow to the
left, sir,
Come, now, and be merry, all sadness defy.

Chorus (by school, to the refrain of " Buy a Broom"). --
Christmas dear now draws near,
With song and with evergreen welcome it here.

First girl:
E stands for evergreen, beautiful evergreen,
E stands for evergreen, never to fade.
(Courtesying.) With a courtesy to right, sir, and a courtesy to left, sir,
Bring evergreen garlands for Christmas time made.--Cho.

Second boy:
R stands for rollicking -- come, then, be rollicking ;
R stands for rollicking -- fun's in the air!
With a bow to the right, sir, and a bow to the left, sir,
In Christmas-day rollicking take now a share. -- Cho.

Second girl:
R stands for rally, a grand Christmas rally,
R stands for rally, where Christmas trees grow !
With a courtesy to right, sir, and a courtesy to left, sir,
We rally where Santa is likely to go. -- Cho.

Third boy:
Y stands for youthful -- rejoice, now, all youthful ;
Y stands for youthful -- quite youthful am I.
With a bow to the right, sir, and a bow to the left, sir,
The youthful make merry when Christmas is nigh. -- Cho.

(Leave a space in the line of children between the last letter of " Merry ' and the first of " Christmas.")

Third girl:
C stands for Christmas -- bright Christmas, merry Christmas;
C stands for Christmas -- the best of the year.
With a courtesy to right, sir, and a courtesy to left, sir,
Make merry at Christmas with good Christmas cheer. -- Cho.

Fourth boy:
H stands for happy -- at Christmas be happy !
H stands for happy -- right happy am I.
With a bow to the right sir, and a bow to the left, sir,
If you would be happy some Christmas gifts buy -- Cho.

Fourth girl:
R stands for ready -- for Christmas be ready ;
R stands for ready -- are you ready yet?
With a courtesy to right, sir, and a courtesy to left, sir.
To make ready for Christmas, oh ! uever forget. -- Cho.

Fifth boy:
I stands for icy -- for winter so icy ;
I stands for icy, when Kris drives along.
With a bow to the right, sir, and a bow to the left, sir,
Though icy the weather we'll give him a song. -- Cho.

Fifth girl:
S stands for Santa -- the children's own Santa ;
S stands for Santa, the jolly old dear.
With a courtesy to right, sir, and a courtesy to left, sir,
For Santy to fill we hang stockings each year. -- Cho.

Sixth boy:
T stands for thoughtful -- of all friends be thoughtful ;
T stands for thoughtful -- your presents prepare.
With a bow to the right, sir. and a bow to the left, sir,
And be thoughtful those poorer than you have a share. -- Cho.

Sixth girl:
M stands for magic -- for Christmas-night magic;
M stands for magic filling stockings and tree.
With a courtesy to right, sir, and a courtesy to left, sir,
Who does this fine magic, can any agree? -- Cho.

Seventh boy:
A stands for all of us, old and young, all of us;
A stands for all of us looking for Kris.
With a bow to the right, sir, and a bow to the left, sir.
And all of us hope that not one will he miss. -- Cho.

Seventh girl:
S stands for -smiling -- on Christmas morn smiling ;
S stands for smiling -- all smiling I'll be.
With a courtesy to right, sir, and a courtesy to left, sir,
All smiling, yes, smiling, when presents I see. -- Cho.

(The following verses are to be sung by the school to the air, "Wait for the Wagon." During the singing of the first stanza and chorus, the fourteen boys and girls divide off into couples and march around, elevating and lowering the wands in time to music. During the second stanza they form two opposite lines, with wands crossed overhead, couples marching under the arches formed and back again to places. Third stanza, the opposite lines pass forward and back, cross to other side, partners passing each other, then back once more, and turn partners into place in a line forming " Merry Christmas" again.)

Oh, Christmas, merry Christmas!
Thy call we must obey,
And carry fadeless garlands
In honor of the day.

Chorus {to be sung after each verse). --

All hail, merry Christmas!
Hail, merry Christmas!
All hail, merry Christmas,
The evergreen day.

Oh, Christmas, merry Christmas !
With laughter, song, and play,
How gayly pass the hours
Of that dear, happy day. -- Chorus.

Oh, Christmas, merry Christmas!
Quite old, but never gray,
Like thy own joys, unfading,
The wreath we bring to-day. -- Chorus.


By Jay Bee.

(Seven little girls daintily dressed carry a bell in the right hand, with the initial on it which begins her line. The bells are rung lightly during the speaking )

First child: Cheerily ring the Christmas bells !
Second child: How joyfully their jingling tells
Third child: All peace and kindness on the earth,
Fourth child: Ringing out, singing out, laughing with
mirth !
Fifth child: In every home is joy profound,
Sixth child: The echo of this merry sound.
Seventh child: Yet Charity must remembered be,
And that is why we have this tree.

Santa Claus

Santa Claus.
By W. S. C.

(A letter exercise for ten very small children. Let each child present a placard bearing the letter as he recites his line. At the close, all shut their eyes and screw them up very tight.)

S stands for stockings we hang up so high.

A is for all we get if we don't cry.

N is for nobody he will pass by.

T is for to-morrow, the day we eat pie.

A stands for at last old Santa is nigh.

C for the children who love him so well.

L for the little girl, his name she can spell.

A stands for apples so rosy and red.

U is for us as we wait for his sled.

S stands for Santa Claus, who comes in the night when we are tucked up in bed with our eyes closed so tight.

Christmas Children

Christmas Children.
By M. Nora Boylan

(An acrostic for the primary grade. Each child wears a large gilt star around his neck. As he begins to speak, he turns it over, showing his letter on the reverse side.)

All: Happy children here we stand.
Bringing words of love ;
For on this glad Christmas day
Christ came from above.

First child: C is for the Christ Who came
To this lowly earth. 

Second child: H is for the harps that rang
At our Savior's birth.

Third child: R is for the ringing bells,
Telling Christmas-tide.

Fourth child: I is for the crystal ice
Where we go to slide.

Fifth child: S is for the schoolboy's sled
When he coasting goes.

Sixth child: T is for poor Tommy Jones-
Jack Frost bit his nose. 

Seventh child: M is for the merry part
Of this Christmas day,

Eighth child: A is for the apple pies
Grandma put away.

Ninth child: S is for old Santa Clans,
Coming here to-night.
Hope he'll wait till nearly morn,
So it will be light.

All: Yes, we're happy children nine,
And to each we're .true,
Three cheers for jolly Santa Claus,
A happy day to you.

Christmas Stockings

Christmas Stockings.
By A. S. Webber.

      (Six small girls and boys are needed for speaking, and any even number of larger girls for singing. A boy leads each division of the march, immediately followed by those who speak.
      An equal number enter from opposite sides as far back as possible, pass in front to sides, back half-way, form two lines across front, having the six who speak in front (alternating boy and girl), and the larger pupils back of them sing as they enter and until they are placed the chorus of " Birdies' Ball," beginning " Tra la la la la." When in position all sing the following two verses, air, " Birdies' Ball." When chorus is reached, let them keep time by resting weight on right foot on first count, and at same time swinging left foot over right, touch toe to floor, dipping body slightly on third count, foot back in place on first count of next measure. Rest weight on left foot and swing right foot over left, touching right toe on third count, foot back in place on first count of next measure, etc.)

Santa Claus on Christmas eve,
Means to give a gift to all,
Each a stocking we will hang,
Stockings big and stockings small.

Chorus. -- Tra la la la, etc.
Santa Claus on Christmas eve
Comes with reindeer swift as air,
Early all must be in bed,
Leaving only stockings there.

Chorus. -- Tra la la la, etc.
(A girl comes one step forward, bows, and speaks.)
I mean to hang on Christmas eve
A stocking of this size (measures),
Because I want a doll so big,
That sleeps and shuts its eyes.
To crowd it in a stocking small
Would surely not be wise.
(Pupil steps back in place and all sing the chorus, keeping time as before.)

2d Pupil. --  My stocking is the one I'll hang,
I know 'twill hold quite well,
About a hundred marbles more
Than's owned by Tommy Bell.
Of course I want some candy, too,
But the marbles are what tell. 
(Steps back, and chorus is repeated as before.)

3d Pupil. --I mean to beg a stocking small
Of little sister Clare,
Because I want some things so small
They'll scarce be found e'en there.
I want a ring that has a stone,
And a pretty pin to wear.
(Chorus repeated as before.)

4th Pupil. -- I've measured all the stockings round,
And think I'll hang up two,
Because I want a pair of skates, --
One stocking will not do.
Of course I want some sweets and things
To last the whole week through.
Chorus, etc.

5th Pupil. -- My mamma's stocking I will hang,
'Twill so much better hold
A tea-set for my dolly dear,
All painted round with gold;
And dishes can't be squeezed, you know,
That's what I've oft been told.
Chorus, etc.

6th Pupil. -- And I don't know just what to do,
Because I want, you see,
A hobby-horse that is so high, --
Now tell me, can it be,
Are stockings ever made so big
That one can hold all of me?
Chorus, etc.

All sing. --All we children love to hang
Stockings o'er the fireplace,
Wondering how our gifts can come
Nice and clean from such a place.

Chorus. -- Tra la la la, etc.
Santa Claus is loved by all
Folks who are as big as we,
And for long before he comes
We can only sing for glee.

Chorus. -- Tra la la la, etc

(When the chorus is partly sung, the leaders of the march lead to opposite sides, others fall in line forward, pass in front to rear along sides, pass at rear end to seats. Continue to repeat the chorus till all are seated.)