Thursday, September 5, 2024

Maggie's Meals

       ''There was once a little girl whose name was Maggie,'' said daddy, ''and how she did love meals! Now, one evening when Maggie had gone to bed along came a fine looking creature very handsomely dressed.
       ''Who are you?' asked Maggie.
       ''I'm the Dream King and I'm going to take you to a party.'
       ''So Maggie went with the Dream King and they visited such interesting and hospitable people.
       ''They went to a huge city which seemed to be made of delicious things to eat and which, as soon as people ate from the city, the food grew or was cooked back again!
       ''It was all very marvelous. And to Maggie's surprise she saw Duke Ice Cream take up a spoon and scoop a huge mouthful right off his very arm. And in another few minutes his arm was as before.
       ''The Duke told her he liked the cold weather and that he always lived in the coldest part of the city.
       ''Lady Lettuce was followed everywhere by her pages, the Vinegar and Oil boys. And sometimes she had friends to call on her like the Tomato Twins and the Cucumber Cousins and the Potato Pals. Maggie also met Apple, the queen of all the Pies.
       ''Maggie had the very best time in the world and when the Dream King told her he must be taking her back Maggie said:
       '''And you've not told me I was wrong to enjoy my meals so much.'
       '''I gave you a surprise, in not scolding you, eh?'  asked the Dream King. 'Well, you're never greedy or selfish and if you like your food I think it is fine. Good-night!'''

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