Saturday, September 14, 2024

The Brown Bear

A brown bear licks it's paws after eating wild honey and berries.

        The  Brown  Bear  is  fairly  common  in  Europe  and  Asia.  In  a  wild  state it  grows  to  a  very  large  size,  but  directly  it  is  confined  in  a  cage  it  ceases  to develop  and  remains  comparatively  small  all  its  life.
       The  brown  bear  lives  mainly  upon  roots,  leaves,  and  honey,  consequently, it  does  not  make  many  inroads  on  the  farmers'  cattle.
       The  brown  bear  is  easily  tamed  and  becomes  very  affectionate,  and  will follow  its  owner  about  like  a  dog.  It  was  frequently  seen  in the past in  shows  and  circuses, where  it  is  made  to  dance  upon  its  hind  legs. 

Kids can learn to draw a brown bear at Thrifty Scissors.

Big Bear by Silem.
Oh Bear, big Bear
What do you see
From high up there
Beneath the tree?

I see the brook
Far, far below,
The valley red
With the evening's glow.
I see the rocks,
And silent meadows
Turn purple in 
The creeping shadows.

Oh Bear, big Bear
Whom do you love
As you stand there
So far above
The meadow and 
The giant trees?
Whom do you love?
Oh, tell me please!

I love my life
And pleasant food.
I love the sun,
And cliffs and wood.
I love sweet smells
And mountains tall.
I love my babies
Best of all.

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