Showing posts with label raccoon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label raccoon. Show all posts

Sunday, March 31, 2024


Appetites by John Martin

Appetites are ready;
Paws and whiskers clean.
Frocks and panties tidy,
As is plainly seen.
Cricket is a-chirping,
Silver is the moon.
Very, very hungry,
Muff and Fluffy Coon.

Supper's nearly ready;
We are ready, too.
Smell the most delicious
Most delightful stew.
Hear the tinkle, tinkle
Of the stirring spoon.
Just a bit impatient--
Muff and Fluffy Coon.

Now look at the picture,
See if you don't see
Two wee tots as hungry
As wee tots can be.
Keep on looking closely;
Very, very soon
You will see a happy
Muff and Fluffy Coon.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

The Snow-Bird

Snowy pine or fir trees and a squirrel eating nuts.

The Snow-Bird 
by Williams Cullen Bryant

The snow-bird twittered on the beachen bough,
And 'neath the hemlock whose thick branches bent
Beneath its bright cold burden, and kept dry.
A circle, on the earth, of withered leaves,
The partridge found a shelter. Through the snow
The rabbit spring away. The lighter Track
Of fox, and the raccoon's broad paths were there,
Crossing each other. From his hollow tree
The squirrel was abroad, gathering the nuts
Just fallen, that asked the winter cold and sway 
Of winter blast, to shake them from their hold

This version was shortened and illustrated for school children. Read the original in it's entirety at the poetry foundation.