Showing posts with label winter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label winter. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

A Winter Artist

A Winter Artist
by Clara R. Bete

Winter time has come again.
Jack Frost, on the windowpane,
With the greatest care will trace
Patterns finer than old lace;
Fairies, flowers, and ferns he'll etch,
Or perhaps will make a sketch
Of a castle with a wall,
Or a maiden straight and tall.

O Jack Frost, it seems to me
Kind and skillful you must be-
You draw things that give delight,
And do it all in just one night!

Thursday, May 11, 2017

When Winter Comes

Two squirrels gather nuts beneath a large oak in the forest.

When Winter Comes
by G. H. L.

When winter comes, the squirrels find
Some shelter from the winds unkind;
Some hollow tree where nuts they store,
Enough to last 'till winter's o'er;
There, safe from harm, they build their nest
And settle down to take a rest,
Their larder full of nuts and wheat,
All that they do is sleep and eat;
When winter comes, Ah me! I find
Some thoughtless ones of humankind,
Who never build a cozy nest, 
Prepare for time to take a rest;
Who when they strong north wind blows cold
Are friendless, helpless, hungry-old.