Friday, September 20, 2019

The Unbeliever...

[Recitation for a small child ]

I don't believe in ghosts, you know,
But still, the other night.
When everything was awfully quiet,
I had an awful fright.

Snug beneath the covers warm,
I'd been tucked an hour or more,
When I heard a rumbling racket,
Something like a muffled snore.

I wasn't scared, but, oh, my heart
Simply wouldn't stop a-jumping!
It bobbed about so in my bosom
That my very head was thumping.

Once again the grumbling, rumbling,
Sounded and it nearer seemed;
A light so white and scary-like
Upon my chamber wall gleamed.

Shadows seemed a-moving 'bout
And I felt a smothering fear
That I couldn't shake till safe
I was with Mother dear.

Now I don't believe in ghosts, you know,
And I'm not scared of any sound;
But I just don't take chances
When old Halloween's around.

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