Showing posts with label pig. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pig. Show all posts

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Six Little Pigs


Six Little Pigs by Harvey Peake.

SIX little Piggies, very much alive,
Oldest one was musical, that left only five.

Five little Piggies, eating more and more,
One of them became a hog, that left only four.
Four little Piggies, round as they could be,
One rolled off the picture, that left only three.
Three little Piggies, hunting something new,
One found it in a bee hive, that left only two.
Two little Piggies tried to race to run,
One Piggie beat the other, leaving only one.
One little Piggie, very much bereft,
Grieved so much he pined away, not a one was left.

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Paper Cuts of Farm Animals

        Below, I have restored a few paper farm animals: horse, cow, goat, duck, rooster, sheep, dog, bunny, pig and cat. These may be freely used by students and teachers for the classroom. Silhouettes on my blog are not to be redistributed by alternative websites and are not meant to be sold or purchased.

These paper cuts of animals found on the farm would make great design
elements in a classroom or any other art project a young
student might need them for.

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Paper Cuts of Jigging Pigs!

        Above are jigging (dancing) pigs and below is a single paper cut pig with a turnip. Have fun including these silhouettes in your crafts for the classroom!

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Restored Antique Alphabet Prints

      These restored antique alphabet prints would look charming in a child's nursery/bedroom or a homeschool classroom. I've cleaned and restored them for your next alphabet craft. Enjoy and read the Terms of Use before printing them out.

The above image for pinning please.
A was and Apple, an Archer, an Arrow. B was a Bird, Bear and a Barrow.
C for Cat and D for Dish, E for an Elephant, F for a Fish.
G for Goose and Ha for Ham, I for an Inn and J for Jam.
K for Kite and L for Light. M for the Moon and N for Night. O for Owl and P for Prattle,
Q for the Queen and R for Rattle.
S for Ship and T for Tap, U for an Urn and V for Vat. W for Windmill, for Watch & Wren,
 X stands in English for no word but ten.
Y is for Yew, for Youth and for Yeast, Z is for Zebra a beautiful beast.
More Restored Alphabet Print by Kathy Grimm:

Saturday, April 20, 2013

"Tom, Tom the Piper's Son" by Goodridge

A Modern Version of this rhyme:
Tom, Tom, the piper's son,
Stole a pig, and away did run;
The pig was eat
And Tom was beat,
And Tom went crying [or "roaring", or "howling", in some versions]
Down the street.
       The 'pig' mentioned in the song is almost certainly not a live animal but rather a kind of pastry, often made with an apple filling, smaller than a pie.
      Another version of the rhyme is: Tom, Tom, the piper's son, Stole a pig, and away he run. Tom run here, Tom run there, Tom run through the village square.
      This rhyme is often conflated with a separate and longer rhyme:
Tom, he was a piper's son,
He learnt to play when he was young,
And all the tune that he could play
Was 'over the hills and far away';
Over the hills and a great way off,
The wind shall blow my top-knot off.
Tom with his pipe made such a noise,
That he pleased both the girls and boys,
They all stopped to hear him play,
'Over the hills and far away'.
Tom with his pipe did play with such skill
That those who heard him could never keep still;
As soon as he played they began for to dance,
Even the pigs on their hind legs would after him prance.
As Dolly was milking her cow one day,
Tom took his pipe and began to play;
So Dolly and the cow danced 'The Cheshire Round',
Till the pail was broken and the milk ran on the ground.
He met old Dame Trot with a basket of eggs,
He used his pipe and she used her legs;
She danced about till the eggs were all broke,
She began for to fret, but he laughed at the joke.
Tom saw a cross fellow was beating an ass,
Heavy laden with pots, pans, dishes, and glass;
He took out his pipe and he played them a tune,
And the poor donkey's load was lightened full soon.
      Both rhymes were first printed separately in a Tom the Piper's Son, a chapbook produced around 1795 in London. The origins of the shorter and better known rhyme are unknown. The second longer rhyme was an adaptation of an existing verse which was current in England around the end of the seventeenth and beginning of the eighteenth centuries. The following verse, known as "The distracted Jockey's Lamentations" may have been written (but not included) in Thomas D'Urfey's play The Campaigners (1698):
Jockey was a Piper's Son,
And fell in love when he was young;
But all the Tunes that he could play,
Was, o'er the Hills, and far away,
And 'Tis o'er the Hills, and far away,
'Tis o'er the Hills, and far away,
'Tis o'er the Hills, and far away,
The Wind has blown my Plad away.
      This verse seems to have been adapted for a recruiting song designed to gain volunteers for the Duke of Marlborough's campaigns about 1705, with the title "The Recruiting Officer; or The Merry Volunteers", better today known as "Over the Hills and Far Away", in which the hero is called Tom.