Sunday, September 8, 2024

Animal Alphabet, G through M

 The billy GOAT
Can't sing a note;
He has no education.
But it is said
He'll use his head
And cause great consternation.

AMUS is not
The handsomest of creatures.
But then it would 
Be very rude
To criticize his features.

It's foolish, quite
To quake with fright
At the harmless, tame ICHNEUMON.
I must admit
I'm scared of it;
But then, I'm only human.

Has no ambish;
He drifts around the sea;
He's satisfied 
To ride the tide;
He's wretched company.

Feels very blue
Because his legs don't mate.
Unless he trims
His long hind limbs,
He can't improve his gait.

Nobody thinks
Much of the LYNX;
In fact, he much berated.
He's very sly,
and that is why
He's not domesticated.

Is dead and gone;
Quite naturally, I think
He made his home
Way up 'round Nome;
No wonder he's extinct.

1rst and 2nd and 3rd and 4th pages

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