Monday, September 9, 2024

Animal Alphabet, U through Z

Had but one horn
To jab his foeman with;
It would not do
To search the zoo
For him, for he's a myth.

The toughest bird
Of which I've heard
Without doubt is the VULTURE.
He steals and slays,
And all his ways
Proclaim he has no culture.

The WILDCAT'S name
Shows he's not tame;
He's anything but mild.
His friends are few;
He knows it, too,
And that's what makes him wild.

Let's not discuss
I'm sure you would be bored.
the only thing
About him is his sword.

It's well to stay
Quite far away
For he can sting
Like anything;
That's what he does the best.

The old ZEBU
Would hardly do
To ride upon the street.
Though he knows how
To pull a plow,
He's anything but fleet.

Ross F. Taylor

1rst and 2nd and 3rd and 4th pages

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